New Year Sale
We have several pounds of medium and large clusters of blue oysters available.
Special pricing on 5#s or more. Give us a call or send us a note.
We have several pounds of medium and large clusters of blue oysters available.
Special pricing on 5#s or more. Give us a call or send us a note.
Also known as the Pearl Simeji. Being tough when raw, it is best when cooked as it has a bitter taste when raw which disappears completely upon cooking. The cooked mushroom has a firm, slightly crunchy texture and a nutty flavor.
Check us out at Kitsap Fresh… We have plenty of Rocky Top Blue Oyster mushrooms along with Lion’s Mane and Kings.
We have fresh batch of reishi available for harvest & sale. Check out the product page for more info. Learn more about reishi at the G.Lucidem Wiki.
For those who are interested to learn more of the health benefits of mushrooms, here’s a re-printed article from the Mushroom Growers’ Newsletter highlighting recent research.
Hello, take a peek into the grow room with me. We have Rocky Top Blue Oysters on top, Chestnuts (and a blue) down one, and the Lion’s Beard on the bottom. In the background are Reshi. These and a few more will be available this week through Kitsap Fresh. If you have purchased our mushrooms…
Rocky Top Blue Oyster mushroom feature a blue/gray cap edged in dark blue. It has a meaty texture and its stem is soft. This is a mild mushroom that works well alone or as a building block for a dish.